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Real tests with high accuracy rate

Real-world tests demonstrate a high accuracy rate, reflecting the system's effectiveness in handling real data. These results are a testament to the excellent performance and practical application of the employed technologies.

  • Multiple tests
  • Short time to complete
  • High accuracy of results
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IQ score details

Check your ranking

130 and above
120 - 129
very good
110 - 119
above average
90 - 109
80 - 89
Below average
70 - 79
Close minimum
69 and under
very low
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See what the trainees said about the tests

  • Emily Johnson
    Product Designer

    " The IQ test was quick and insightful. It helped me understand my cognitive strengths and areas for improvement."

  • Michael Smith

    " A highly accurate and engaging test. It only took a few minutes, but the results were very revealing."

  • Sarah Williams

    "I loved how the test was both challenging and fun. The detailed report was very useful."

  • David Brown

    "Great experience! The test results gave me a clear picture of my IQ and how I compare with others."

  • Jessica Taylor

    "The test was straightforward and the results were spot on. Highly recommend for anyone curious about their IQ."

Start knowing yourself and your mind more and how to develop it

  • Discover your strengths and weaknesses.
  • Compare yourself to the average.
  • Get tips to improve your mental skills.
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Frequently Asked Questions:

We offer multiple tests that measure a variety of skills and abilities.

Start now to discover yourself and enhance your mental skills!